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The Chancellor announced, in his “Growth Plan 2022” speech last Friday, that changes to the IR35 (or “off-payroll working”) system brought in over the last 5 years will be reversed with effect from 6 April 2023.

Organisations will recall that the IR35 regime underwent significant reform in recent years, first in 2017 for the public sector, and again in April 2021 for the private sector (our previous update here explains more of the background).  However, the government has now stated that “In practice, reforms to off-payroll working have added unnecessary complexity and cost for many businesses”.

The intention is for the 2017 and 2021 reforms to be repealed, and for the system to revert back to what is was before then, with compliance being kept “closely under review”.

This is very welcome news for end-user clients that currently have to grapple with the need to make status determinations for individual contractors.  This responsibility will revert back to being that of the individual contractor/personal services company (“PSC”).  Importantly, it also means that the end user will no longer be liable for PAYE or NICs if the status determination is incorrect – the PSC will be liable instead.

It is currently unclear how the government’s “Check Employment Status for Tax” (“CEST”) tool will be updated or if it will be available for contractor use.

We will keep you updated.


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