Home // Insights & Events // UKVI confirms approved providers for remote Right to Work Checks ahead of October changes
With the concession on remote Right to Work checks coming to an end on 30 September, UKVI have now confirmed the names of the first batch of companies to have achieved the required certifications to undertake checks of British and Irish nationals on behalf of employers. The list of approved providers, known as Identification Document Service Providers (IDSPs) can be found here.
The introduction of IDSPs follows the feedback provided by many employers on the advantages they found came from the ability to undertake remote Right to Work checks, whether this approach is simply more convenient owing to the adoption of hybrid working models or the efficiencies and stronger governance achieved through centralisation of processes. Ultimately, there is no requirement to use a IDSP and for some organisations, this may not be appropriate and not worth the costs associated with using a third party. Regardless of whether you choose to go down the route of engaging with an IDSP, it is likely you will need to update your current processes to reflect the ending of covid concession for checks. So, what steps should you take? • Review existing policies and processes: What do your current processes look like? What needs to change? Who is responsible for this? • Update communications: The information provided to both those undertaking the checks and those being checked is likely to need changing to provide clarity and reduce the need for repeat checks. • Training: Those undertaking the checks will need to be familiar with the new rules and how to make sure they do the right type of check. • Centralisation: Analyse the potential to implement efficiencies and cost savings by centralising processes – can these be undertaken by a single back-office function? Should you be interested in working with an IDSP, our Head of Immigration, Matt Lynch, has key experience in designing such systems and is able to offer unique insights on what factors to consider |
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