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How we guide and support Personal Representatives through an often complex process

Estate Administration

Administering the estate of a loved one can be a daunting prospect, at what may already be an emotionally challenging time.

With our sympathetic approach and technical expertise, we aim to ease the burden by assisting and guiding you through what can otherwise be a time consuming, stressful and complex process.  We ensure the estate is administered sensitively and efficiently.

Whilst it is possible to administer an estate without professional advice, people often find it more time consuming and more complicated than they originally anticipated.

Whether an estate is relatively straightforward or more complex, we are here to assist the personal representatives (known as executors if there is a Will and administrators if there is no Will) in fulfilling their role.  Their role carries considerable responsibility and personal liability, so they must ensure the estate is administered correctly.  Submitting incorrect information to HMRC can result in financial penalties or interest being charged.

If you require the release of documentation held by us, please see our Legal Notices for further information.

Estate Administration documents

How we can help

Obtaining grants of representation (probate)

Collating all information required and preparing and submitting the necessary inheritance tax account and grant application to HMRC and the Probate Registry.

Inheritance tax

Advising on and preparing inheritance tax account to claim reliefs and exemptions such as business or agricultural relief, national heritage assets or gifts out of income.

Role and responsibilities of personal representatives

Advising executors or administrators on the legal, administrative and tax requirements of estate administration and potential personal liability for errors.

Administering cross-border estates

Providing advice on issues such as domicile, inheritance tax and double taxation/unilateral relief, making applications to re-seal Grants (or overseas equivalent) and working with overseas lawyers to advise on the applicability of Wills or intestacy in the different jurisdictions where assets are held (including choice of law provisions) and administering and distributing the estate accordingly.


Providing advice on steps that can be taken to check for a Will, the rules of intestacy and steps to identify and locate all beneficiaries.

Deeds of Variation

Advising beneficiaries on redirection of inherited assets (often for tax efficiency) and drafting associated deeds of variation.

Collating all information required and preparing and submitting the necessary inheritance tax account and grant application to HMRC and the Probate Registry.

Advising on and preparing inheritance tax account to claim reliefs and exemptions such as business or agricultural relief, national heritage assets or gifts out of income.

Advising executors or administrators on the legal, administrative and tax requirements of estate administration and potential personal liability for errors.

Providing advice on issues such as domicile, inheritance tax and double taxation/unilateral relief, making applications to re-seal Grants (or overseas equivalent) and working with overseas lawyers to advise on the applicability of Wills or intestacy in the different jurisdictions where assets are held (including choice of law provisions) and administering and distributing the estate accordingly.

Providing advice on steps that can be taken to check for a Will, the rules of intestacy and steps to identify and locate all beneficiaries.

Advising beneficiaries on redirection of inherited assets (often for tax efficiency) and drafting associated deeds of variation.

Case studies

Intestate estate administration

Obtaining letters of administration and administering a taxable estate under the intestacy rules.  Advising surviving spouse on inheritance tax implications immediately and on his own death.


“We have worked with Clare Harris for several years and she strives to understand our needs of the wider family, to enable us to plan effectively and goes the extra mile. This enables her to recommend options and suggest ideas which benefit the whole family.”

(Private Client)


In accordance with SRA Transparency Rules 2018, we have provided information on our approach to fees and service for Probate matters below.

For information about other areas of work not covered by the SRA Transparency Rules 2018 please get in touch.

A dedicated and experienced member of our Wealth Preservation team will help you through this difficult process.  All members of our team advise on or support the estate administration process and Head of Wealth Preservation, Clare Harris, will have overall responsibility for all matters. You can review the skills and expertise of the team here.


Legal fees

We appreciate the circumstances and requirements for each estate are unique.  The following is a guide only and we will provide a personalised estimate for fees and timescales on each new matter before starting any work.

Our fees cover an initial meeting with the family and/or executors, valuing the estate, applying for the grant (including submitting the inheritance tax account), collecting and distributing the assets.  Our fees are usually based solely on the amount of time spent administering an estate and we do not charge an additional value element.  We roughly divide estates into three grades of complexity: low, medium and high.  Where we have indicated that VAT applies this is at the rate of 20%, current as of 31 January 2025.

Low Complexity

We estimate our total costs to be between £8,000 – £35,000 (plus VAT).  We anticipate this will take between 20 and 88 hours of work, at a current (2024/25) hourly rate of between £210 – £600 per hour, plus VAT.  The exact cost will depend on the individual circumstances of the matter.  For example, if there is one executor, one beneficiary and no property, costs will be at the lower end of the range.  If there are multiple executors, multiple beneficiaries, a property and multiple bank accounts, costs will be at the higher end. We will handle the full process for you.  A low complexity estate might be one where:

  • there is a valid Will
  • all the assets are in the UK
  • there is no more than one property
  • there are no gifts of money or specific items
  • there are bank or building society accounts with no more than 3 financial institutions
  • there are no other intangible assets
  • there are no more than 4 beneficiaries
  • there are no disputes between beneficiaries on division of assets. If disputes arise this is likely to lead to an increase in costs
  • there is no inheritance tax payable and the executors do not need to submit an account to HMRC
  • an income tax return is not needed
  • there are no claims made against the estate

Medium Complexity

We estimate our total costs to be between £18,000 – £80,000 (plus VAT).  We anticipate this will take between 45 and 200 hours of work, at a current (2024/25) hourly rate of between £210 – £600 per hour, plus VAT.  Again, the exact cost will depend on the individual circumstances of the matter and we will handle the full process for you.  In these estates typical features may include:

  • there could be a Will, or the estate could be intestate
  • all of the assets are in the UK
  • the deceased may have made lifetime gifts in excess of the annual allowances
  • there could be inheritance tax payable and a full inheritance tax account is required
  • the estate comprises stock exchange investments
  • there are gifts in the Will of money or specific items
  • there may be more than four beneficiaries
  • there are no disputes between beneficiaries on division of assets. If disputes arise this is likely to lead to an increase in costs
  • there might be two properties
  • income tax returns up to the date of death and for the estate administration period might be required
  • the Will might comprise an ongoing trust
  • there are no claims made against the estate

High Complexity

We estimate our total costs to be between £58,000 to £223,000 plus VAT (and in some cases more).  We anticipate this will take between 145 and 550 hours of work (and could be more), at a current (2024/25) hourly rate of between £210 – £600 per hour, plus VAT.  Again, the exact costs will depend on the individual circumstances and we will handle the full process for you.  It may be necessary to involve experts to deal with specific issues e.g. an accountant to value a business.  Estates such as this will often have more than one of the following features:

  • the estate will be subject to inheritance tax
  • the Will might contain one or more trust arrangements
  • there could be more than one property
  • there might be business and/or agricultural property
  • there are assets in one or more overseas jurisdictions
  • there might be Heritage Property
  • there might be valuable collections of art or antiques
  • there might be contentious issues such as a disputed Will or an Inheritance Act claim
  • there might be disputes between beneficiaries
  • there might be family circumstances that require careful handling such as second marriages and step families
  • there might be domicile issues concerning the deceased or their spouse
  • there might be claims against the estate

The following costs may also be payable which are additional to the charges for our services:

  • Valuation costs (where it is not possible to obtain a valuation free of charge, for example from an estate agent).
  • Inheritance tax (if this is payable – the amount will depend on a variety of factors and we will give full advice on this).
  • Costs of dealing with the sale or transfer of any property in the estate.
  • Costs of dealing with any re-organisation or variation of the Will or intestacy provisions.
  • Costs of the re-organisation or administration of any trusts created by the Will or intestacy.
  • Costs of preparing final lifetime income tax returns; preparing self-assessment trust and estate tax returns during the administration period; and arranging payment of any associated tax liabilities.
  • Costs of tracing missing beneficiaries.
  • Costs of assisting with any more personal issues, for example assisting with the registration of the death.
  • Costs of analysing the deceased’s domicile and advising on the applicable succession law.

The following additional costs or disbursements will be payable on most estates:

  • Digital anti-money laundering/know your client checks – £15 +VAT* per executor/administrator
  • Probate Registry fee – £300
  • Fee for office copies of the grant – £1.50 for each copy (the number required will depend on the number/range of assets)

We are required to undertake a bankruptcy search and account check prior to making a distribution to a beneficiary.

Potential additional disbursements include:

  • Certainty Will search – £140 plus VAT*
  • Asset search undertaken by Estatesearch – £195 plus VAT*
  • Land Registry search fee (if there is a property) – £7 plus VAT*
  • Section 27 Trustee Act Statutory advertisements in the London Gazette and local newspaper – approximately £350-£450 plus VAT* – protects against unexpected claims from unknown creditors – prices may vary according to the publication
  • Accountants’ fees for dealing with income tax up to the date of death and sometimes during the estate administration period.
  • Valuers’ fees for valuing assets such as contents of a property, property itself or land, shares, business assets, etc.

These are some of the most common additional disbursements, but the list is not comprehensive.  The additional disbursements necessary will vary depending on the circumstances of an estate.

The disbursement prices shown are correct at 31 January 2025 but are subject to change by the organisations concerned.

*Where we have indicated that VAT applies this is at the rate of 20%, current as of 31 January 2025.

How quickly an estate can be dealt with will depend on many factors including how quickly requests for information are dealt with and the involvement of third parties such as accountants, the DWP and HMRC. It will also depend on whether there is a property to be sold.

On average, estates that fall within the low complexity range set out above are dealt with within 12-18 months from receiving full instructions. Typically, taking initial instructions, valuing the estate and pre-grant administration takes 2-4 months. The Probate Registry estimated timeframe for issuing the grant of probate is currently 12 weeks. Post- grant administration and distribution of the estate then follows, which normally takes a further 6–9 months. For medium or high complexity estates the timeframe is likely to be considerably longer and is likely to take more than a year. We will provide you with a bespoke timescale once we know more about the estate.

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