Coming up with an amazing invention is like answering a really difficult crossword clue: it’s tricky before you get the answer, but once you’ve done it, anyone who glances at the puzzle afterwards can see what you’ve done. In almost all fields of technical endeavour, copying is cheaper than innovating. In recognition of this, the patent system exists to provide inventors with a suitable period of exclusivity over their ideas. This allows innovators to recoup the investment they’ve made in research, secure in knowing that if a competitor tries to jump on the bandwagon, they can push them back off.
Perhaps you have a concept – whether it’s a cunning improvement to an existing technology or a brand new idea – which you believe is patentable, and you want something in place so you can speak to potential investors. Perhaps you have a new product you’re ready to scale up to mass production, but you want to make sure there’s no patents lurking in the jurisdictions you’re going to operate in which would create a barrier to your activities. Perhaps you have been surprised by a letter drawing your attention to a competitor’s patent and ominously suggesting your activities have infringed it.
In any of these instances, an expert patent attorney can help you figure out what is going on and what your next steps are. Our patents team understand that different clients have different needs, and we know that a bespoke plan suited to the particular needs of a client can be appreciated.
We can represent you in the UK, in Europe, and before the World Intellectual Property Office, giving you the support you need to take your idea from your workbench to the globe.