Inclusion is built from the choices we all make every day to make others feel valued.
At Greenwoods, we are committed to championing diversity, fairness and inclusion (DF&I) in all aspects of our business. Doing so is central to our success as a firm because we are better able to understand and meet the needs of our clients if our organisation reflects the businesses and individuals we serve.
Our DF&I Forum, a key part of the implementation of our “respect” value, helps translate that commitment into positive and practical actions. DF&I Forum members work together to design and deliver initiatives to foster belonging and complement our business strategy, the aim being to create a workplace culture where there are no limits on our individual ambitions.
“As Chair of the DF&I Forum, I’m looking forward to working with the Forum to collectively generate ideas on how to celebrate and champion DF&I at Greenwoods. We will learn together how to best deliver initiatives to strengthen DF&I at the firm and model the behaviours that will lead to lasting change.
Every organisation can do better when it comes to DF&I, including Greenwoods. We recognise that positive change takes effort, and that takes time. We are committed to taking that time to reflect on where we are now and where we want to be, and to involve and engage employees by giving them a forum to raise issues which directly affect them in their place of work and acting upon them.”
Francesca Jus-Burke, Diversity, Fairness & Inclusion Forum Chair
Greenwoods is committed to creating a diverse, fair and inclusive culture where individuality is respected and celebrated.
We will hold each other accountable and ensure that DF&I become second nature and permeate our firm’s culture.
Whilst we are making progress on this journey, we acknowledge that our work continues
Guest Speaker Fleur Bloemsma – Realities of Living in a Trans Body
Last year, we were fortunate to welcome Fleur Bloemsma as a guest speaker. Fleur is a trans rights activist and artist passionate about teaching about trans issues and realities.
“Throughout my adolescent life, I experienced racially motivated aggression. The older I get, the more I appreciate that we can’t always get everything right. I don’t want to be the person who makes someone else feel depreciated or belittled. I want to learn about other people’s experiences and beliefs to better understand and control my unconscious biases and promote that through the Forum.”
“The world is changing and we are far more connected globally than ever before. We all have our conscious and unconscious biases, but it’s recognising them and doing something about them that counts.“
“Everyone contributes to a greater or lesser extent to the environment that we work in. And I think that to move the needle on a lot of issues that fit under the DF&I umbrella, more people need to be part of the solution.”
“I’m passionate about promoting equal opportunity. I’m proud to be a position to support others who may not have had the best start in their life or career, feel included and have the opportunity to be the best that they can be.”
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